Monday, December 03, 2007

What: Obadele Kambon Legal Defense Fundraiser

When: Friday December 7, 2007 :: 7:00 PM

Where: Jacob H Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies

700 E. Oakwood Boulevard, Chicago IL 60653

How Much: $10 General Admission :: $5 Students and Seniors

It's still BIGGER than Jena 6!


Cause Jena 6 is EVERYDAY in the CHI!


Who: Internationally Renown Spoken Word Artist Heru

Andre Grant, Attorney

Patricia Hill, Author and Former Officer

David Lemieux, Detective, Author and Former Actor (Spook who Sat by the Door)

Michelle Thomas, Two Time Victim of Chicago Police Department



On the evening of June 25, 2007 at 9:45PM, Obadele Kambon and his pregnant fiancée, Kala Mujibha, were stopped by the Chicago police allegedly for a broken turn signal light. Without explanation, Obadele and Kala were told to get out of the car and were unlawfully searched, handcuffed, and detained by the police while the car was illegally searched without expressed or implied consent and without probable cause. Though Obadele safely transported an unloaded weapon in a closed container within the trunk of his car with papers of ownership, the police confiscated the weapon, arrested Obadele, and impounded his car. Because the police had no probable cause to perform the illegal search in the first place, they decided to manufacture probable cause out of thin air. In an untruthful report, the police claimed that in stopping Obadele and Kala they visibly saw the weapon in the cabin of the car. Furthermore they said it was loaded, allowing them to pursue felony charges. Due to the lies of the police and the malicious prosecution of the state’s attorney, Obadele now faces a serious felony charge with a minimum of five years imprisonment...more


What to do:

1. Make A Financial Contribution to Obadele Kambon’s Legal Defense fund- go to

and follow the instructions to make a contribution to the paypal legal defense fund online, or send your contributions to the following Address:

Obadele Kambon Legal Defense
C/O PO Box 1256, Wendell NC, 27591 (773) 696-5765

Because of these concocted charges, Obadele has had to postpone his wedding, incur costly charges of legal fees, vehicle impoundment, bond and more totaling more than $10,000. In the 1960’s the police used the underhanded tactic of draining individuals and organizations that were doing the work of our people through various means; physically through false incarceration, monetarily through trumped up charges, emotionally through harassment and terrorism and more. Their tactics have not changed. Have we changed our response?

For More Information and on various ways you can support Click Here:

Goals & Outcomes


1. To raise the funds needed for and after the trial to help offset the costs of legal aid, impound fees, bond, etc. The police do not ask whether or not you had a wedding planned or a baby on the way or need funds for business operations dedicated to the advancement of Afrikan people.


Obtaining of funds so Obadele can move past this travesty so he can continue doing the work of liberating our people.

Greater level of education and activism surrounding issues of police corruption and the prison industry in Chicago, the united states and the world.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


(Continued police and

prosecution abuses in Chicago)

Obadele Kambon

Click Icons for Action Alert Letter

Please Read and Distribute Widely

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Plan of Action | Purpose of Action | Background

Contribute to Defense Fund | Attend Trial | Tell others | Discuss Online

Resources | Goals and Outcomes

Obadele Kambon

Legal Defense Fund

Title: Support Our Afrikan Warrior Brother facing trial on Dec 10 2007!

Time Frame: 1 Month

Plan of Action: Protect/Support Obadele Kambon as he faces a police corruption induced trial on December 10, 2007.

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Purpose of Action: Be involved in a continued fight against Police Brutality and corruption in our communities by helping to support our warrior brother.

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On the evening of June 25, 2007 at 9:45PM, Obadele Kambon and his pregnant fiancée, Kala Mujibha, were stopped by the Chicago police allegedly for a broken turn signal light. Without explanation, Obadele and Kala were told to get out of the car and were unlawfully searched, Obadele was handcuffed, and detained by the police while the car was illegally searched without expressed or implied consent and without probable cause. Though Obadele safely transported an unloaded weapon in a closed container within the trunk of his car with papers of ownership, the police confiscated the weapon, arrested Obadele, and impounded his car. Because the police had no probable cause to perform the illegal search in the first place, they decided to manufacture probable cause out of thin air. In an untruthful report, the police claimed that in stopping Obadele and Kala they visibly saw the weapon in the cabin of the car. Furthermore they said it was loaded, allowing them to pursue felony charges. Due to the lies of the police and the malicious prosecution of the state’s attorney, Obadele now faces a serious felony charge with a minimum of five years imprisonment.

Obadele Kambon, who has given so much to our communities, now needs our support. Our young, brother-warrior has been an uncompromising fighter and activist for the Afrikan community all of his 28 years of life. He has not only acquired five Afrikan languages, but has taught these languages of our ancestors to Afrikan communities all over the world; including Ghana, The Gambia, Senegal, the U.S., Canada, Belize, Australia, and England. In Chicago alone he currently teaches at seven institutions from pre-school to middle schools to alternative high schools to the university level. Our brother, who has taught our youth and adults how to defend themselves as a Capoeira instructor and Outdoor Survival instructor in Chicago and Mississippi, and has started an Afrikan Language Institute and Afrikan Liberation Forum online to provide our people with courses, resources, and information for the purpose of our re-Afrikanization, can face five years in jail. As a PhD candidate, who has never had any prior criminal records in his life, Obadele is now being erroneously accused of having a loaded weapon in the cabin of the car. This concocted story filled with holes changed the scenario from a case of transporting a weapon in a manner consistent with federal guidelines to a trumped up aggressive unlawful use of a weapon charge with the potential to enact harm to the Black community which he serves. What do lack of probable cause to search, illegal search tactics and blatant lies on a police report and in front of the grand jury get the Chicago police? A day off of work and a monetary bonus for finding a weapon. While the story of the police couldn’t be further from the truth, we know who the real criminals of our communities are….

The Chicago police department is notorious for their brutal and unlawful acts of harassment and murder within our communities. The reported death toll since 2000 is 85 from shootings alone much less the deaths as a result of Jon Burge-like murders from torturous police interrogation methods that go unreported. We can only imagine the number of innocent lives that have been lost physically, spiritually and emotionally in Chicago alone due to acts of genocide and false imprisonment at the hands of the Chicago police. According to the Chicago Reporter, a reported 45% of police who have been involved in wrongful death lawsuits were previously sued for police misconduct; in some cases multiple times. Obadele Kambon’s case is a case of gross police misconduct. Will the police go unchecked in their lies and misconduct only to be the next officers to take liberties and innocent lives as in the case of the recently disbanded Special Operations Section (SOS) of the CPD?

The Prison Industrial System has increased arrests of our brothers and sisters claiming the lives of thousands of our youths. These police officers, often backed and supported by the legal system, have gotten away with the murder of our youth and the murder of the souls of our youth through incarceration with impunity. Meanwhile, many of these incarcerated thousands of our people have been wrongly accused but do not have the funds to obtain the proper legal aid needed to protect them from this nefarious system.

Let’s not allow this corrupt system to stop another of our sons from doing the work of liberation for our people! Support Obadele Kambon as he faces trial on December 10th 2007!

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and follow the instructions to make a contribution to the paypal legal defense fund online, or send your contributions to the following Address:

Obadele Kambon Legal Defense

C/O PO Box 1256, Wendell NC, 27591 (773) 696-5765

Because of these concocted charges, Obadele has had to postpone his wedding, incur costly charges of legal fees, vehicle impoundment, bond and more totaling more than $10,000. In the 1960’s the police used the underhanded tactic of draining individuals and organizations that were doing the work of our people through various means; physically through false incarceration, monetarily through trumped up charges, emotionally through harassment and terrorism and more. Their tactics have not changed. Have we changed our response?

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2. Support by attending the Dec. 10th trial: The trial is being held in an area outside of Chicago that is notoriously racist. A large presence would be an empowering influence for Obadele, and will send an effective and powerful message to the court. The more people of our community present in support of our brother the better. Let them see how many people are in support of Obadele and against these corrupt actions! Please wear royal Afrikan attire or wear All Black or ALL white in solidarity.

Date: December 10, 2007

Location: Fifth District Courthouse -- (773) 974-6800

10220 S 76th Avenue, Bridgeview, IL 60455

Time: 9:00 AM Sharp!

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3. Tell Others: Inform your family members, friends, community organizations, Black-owned establishments, related email list serves, media contacts, and others know about what is happening on December 10th. Ask for their participation and support for Obadele Kambon. Information about this trial, info about police brutality, and how to protect yourself when stopped by the police, etc. can be downloaded and handed out. (See below).

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4. Educate and Participate: Obadele’s case is one of thousands of examples of the historical police brutality and genocide against our people. Educate yourself about the issues going on locally, nationally, and internationally concerning police brutality in our communities, know your legal rights when approached by the police. Participate in organizations and/or community events addressing such issues.

Click HERE to Discuss Action Alert with Others Online


Click Icons for Action Alert Letter in Word or PDF format

Support our Our Afrikan Warrior Brother facing trial at 10:00 AM on December 10, 2007

Please Read and Distribute Widely

Word Version
PDF Version

Distribute Widely

Facts and Info on Police Brutality - Click red link to view article

What to do if you get stopped by the police - Click red link to view article

Obadele Kambon Interview on LIBRadio 11/22/07 - Click red link to hear interview

Know your rights when approached by the Police - Video

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Goals & Outcomes


1. To have the charges against Obadele Kambon dropped, and his record cleared.

2. To raise the funds to help obtain the legal aid urgently needed for and after the trial.

3. To mobilize an empowering force for the trial in support of Obadele and against Police corruption/white supremacy To spread information to educate our community about Police Brutality and the Prison Industrial System

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Charges dropped against Obadele so he can continue doing the work of liberating our people.

Greater level of education and activism surrounding issues of police corruption and the prison industry.

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We Need Your Help:

1. Make A Financial Contribution to Obadele Kambon’s Legal Defense fund- Click the Donate Button Below:


Friday, October 05, 2007

Abibitumi Kasa Afrikan Language Institute


Abibitumi Kasa Afrikan Liberation Institute

invite all Afrikans (Black People) who are committed to Total Afrikan Liberation to also join our other mailing list:

and our main forum Abibitumi Kasa Afrikan Liberation Institute:

Once you register, you can check the 2550+ Resources in our Afrikan Liberation Institute forum:

and all of our other forums including, Afrikan Healing Systems, Afrikan Economic Systems, Afrikan Political Systems, Afrikan Spiritual Systems, Afrikan Philosophical Systems and more.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Abibitumi Kasa Afrikan Language Institute
Abibitumi Kasa Afrikan Liberation Institute
Free Twi, Yoruba and Wolof classes next week!!!

Mekyea mo, Mo ki yin, Naka ngeen def?

For all Afrikan (Black) people, this is a personal invitation and YOU are invited to a FREE Class of Yoruba Online, Wednesday October 10, 2007 and Akan Online, Thursday October 11, 2007 and Wolof, Sunday October 14, 2007. Akan and Yoruba are 7-9 PM EST and Wolof is 4 PM EST.

Inspiration is showing people possibilities. We at AKALI want to show YOU what is possible. week, AKALI welcomes you to experience, hear, see, and feel something your soul has been waiting for.

A reconnection to Afrika and the language and wisdom of our Ancestors and other Afrikans from throughout the country and the world who are embarking on the same path!

This first class is free and open for all <> to come and experience the place where ancient proverbs stories and the sounds of our ancestors meet live video and audio streaming.

This will be the introduction class to the full 8 Week session for Akan and Yoruba which will culminate in final class presentations.

AKALI brings this and more to you so that you too may understand the voice of our ancestors.

This kickoff session will be used as a time of introductions and also to get Afrikans acclimated to the software. For those who choose to register for the full 8 week session, you can also get a partner to keep you posted on the latest happenings in case you may arrive late or miss a class, and to familiarize yourself with the learning environment and the 2500+ learning resources currently available through AKALI.

Welcome to the world of Abibitumi Kasa (Black Power Language).

Copyright © 2007 Abibitumi Kasa Afrikan Language Institute
All rights reserved.


Thursday, June 07, 2007

3 Hour Intensive Twi Language Workshop
Sunday, June 10, 2007 at 2:00PM is hosting a Three (3) hour intensive ONLINE Twi language workshop for people of Afrikan descent this Sunday from 2:00PM - 5:00 PM. After the successful Wolof Intensive Language Workshop this past Sunday in preparation for our travel to Senegal and the Gambia, it was suggested that we provide this for the other languages that we teach at AKALI.


For those interested in this session, follow the link to to submit the registration form and payment. Be sure to follow all six (6) steps of the registration process including font installation and audio/video tutorials to expedite getting into the language on Sunday without having to fiddle around with tech issues.

The cost for this one (1) day workshop is $50 per participant. Children 12 and under are free. No prerequisite knowledge of the Twi language is necessary and all course materials are built into the cost of the class.

Be sure to come to our Virtual classroom and chatroom at 2:00 promptly at with any questions you ever had about the Twi language.

Keep an eye out for one day workshops for Yoruba and Wolof throughout the summer as well.

Obadele Kwame Kambon

Friday, February 02, 2007

Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced

Register today at

Invites you to be a part of our Year-Long Black History "Month" Festivities

with AKALI's Afrikan Language and

Worldview Classes!!!

Classes Run from the week of Feb 26th - the week of April 16th

The Black History 365/24/7 Session Includes Conversational

Akan (Twi) in Chicago on Tuesdays from 7:00-9:00 Central

Standard Time (CST). Classes will be held in the second floor

conference room of Betty Shabazz International Charter

School at 7823 South Ellis Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60619.

Introductory Akan (Twi) Online on Thursdays, from 7:00-9:00

Eastern Standard Time (EST). Online Classes will be held at

Intermediate Akan (Twi) Online on Saturdays, from

10:00AM-12:00PM (EST).

Conversational Yoruba in Chicago on Tuesdays from 7:00-9:00

Central Standard Time (CST). Yoruba Class will meet in the

second floor conference room of Betty Shabazz International

Charter School at 7823 South Ellis Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60619.

Introductory Yoruba Online on Wednesdays, from

7:00PM-9:00PM EST. Online Yoruba Classes will be held at

Intermediate Yoruba Online on Saturdays,from

1:00PM-3:00PM EST.

We are also offering privately scheduled Advanced Individual

and Group tutorials on a broad range of topics in both Akan

(Asante and Akuapem Twi) and Yoruba.

Nowhere in the country can you receive Certified Professional

and Competent Unapologetically Afrikan Centered and

Nationalist Oriented Afrikan Language instruction with the


(OPPORTUNITY) to interact with AFRIKANS from throughout

the country and throughout the World that are embarking on

the same Journey of reclamation and restoration for Afrikan


The Session is $195 for the standard eight (8) week session.

Per Class Rates are also available at $30 per class!*

Also join those who have already taken advantage of Group

rates, City rates and Family rates, an Abibitumi Kasa standard!

Register today at

Contact Abibitumi Kasa at (773) 696-5765 or today for more

information or any questions.

View Testimonials from Abibitumi Kasa Students at:

Prepare to learn, experience, feel and know the power of

Afrika on levels you never dreamed possible…from the


*For those registered for the intermediate class, you are welcome to the Introductory course to gain more exposure to the language, reinforce basic skills and have an opportunity to help others along the way. Those in the introductory class are also encouraged to attend intermediate sessions to greater familiarize themselves with the spoken language in various contexts and to help intermediate students stay on point!

Visit to familiarize yourself with the Learning Environment and visit for software and computer requirements and tutorials necessary for the class.